our vision
The vision of CrossRoads Church is to pursue challenging ministries that:
- train and equip every soul, but especially men, for effective servant leadership within every ministry and work of CrossRoads’, thereby preparing every soul for effective Kingdom service in our surrounding communities, and
- train and equip marriages and families to grow in grace toward fulfilling the Bible’s gracious model in mutual love, respect, and service in the pursuit of a healthy and divorce-proof family environment, and
- the church thus focused, will minister God’s love and forgiveness to the families and individuals in Grady and Thomas Counties in Georgia, and Leon County in Florida.
This statement of vision may be stated concisely as:
- Strong Men
- Strong Families
- Strong Church
In 2018, Pastor Scott Alvis added to this vision. In the new vision, we hope to : 1. Elevate Christ in all we do, 2. Create thriving relationships not only within the church but in the communities we serve, and 3. Be the hands and feet of Christ in the communities around us.
Christ Elevated~Relationships Thriving~Communities Served